Question of the day; Is been single a curse? You may be asking why am I not married.

Let’s go into Genesis 2:18

18 And the LORD God said.It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him. NKJV.

When God created the first man Adam, He saw a need for companionship.He saw that Adam could achieve much if he had a woman with him.God saw how lonely he was in the midst of the wild animals, plants and trees.And God gave Adam a wife.

Marriage is God’s idea and a good one it is, but the devil is fighting this beautiful idea of God, because he has always from the beginning fought everything that is good.That is why he is doing all to keep people from marrying and those married to break up.Husbands and wives killing another.But Jesus said fear not I have overcome the world, John 16:33.

Like I said God wants all to get married and be happy, that’s why you need God in every step you take.

No matter how hard the devil fights you not to get married, because Jesus died and redeemed us from negative hand writings nailing it to the cross and washed and delivered by His blood,I see you getting married in Jesus name..You are not cursed any more.For Jesus came that He might destroy the works of the enemy.You are blessed and God has a partner for you.I release you from every impediment in Jesus name.

Do not let the enemy and people feel you are single because you are cursed,stand on God’s word in prayers and fasting and see God’s wonder in your life.Remember as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.Proverbs 23:7.Start thinking good of yourself.

God has a partner,a wife,husband for everyone,that is why Isaiah 34:16 says none shall lack their mate.The scripture in mark 10:6 says God made them male and female.

This is a clear indication that God from the beginning ordained marriage and has a wife and a husband for everyone.You therefore are not cursed but blessed

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