CCIC Land and Building Project

In the years leading up to 2019 God has indeed blessed the sacrifice and labor of His people in Christian city international church with steady growth and expanding ministries, God took me to Isaiah 54:2-3 

 2 Make wide the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your house stretched out without limit,make make your cords long, and your tent pins strong.
3 For I will make your limits on the right hand and on the left, and your seed will take the nations for a heritage and make the waste towns full of people.
God said these words to me and because of this we would need our land and building that will enable us to continue to equip people for Ministry and reach people for Christ.
We ask for your goodwill to pray for us and also give an helping hand as we move forward to complete our dream.


Proposed Auditorium

Proposed Auditorium inside

State of the Project as At January 2021

Land Clearing

Beacon Building

The Project Cost For PHASE 1

Purchase of land – 10 Million Naira
Foundation – 11 Million Naira

For your support and free will donation towards this project. Please feel very free through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to give or contact us. To Give your support please CLICK HERE or to contact us please CLICK HERE